Course registration
Contemporary Negotiating: A Half Day Intensive Workshop on the Most Effective and Current Negotiation Strategies
– Course details:
Changes over the years to legislation plus business and management trends have meant we are all more directly involved in negotiation. Negotiating is core to many daily transactions and workplace discussions, from informal hard-to-have conversations through to formal meetings like mediations.
Why attend this course?
These days everybody’s time is important, budgets are tight and training courses need to return the investment. Therefore, we have carefully prepared a content-filled, relevant and compact well-paced presentation. An accompanying workshop manual will include key learnings, important notes and a detailed bibliography of current texts and online resources.
Perfecting the art of negotiation can be a challenge for everybody, even those whose day job involves constant negotiating such as lawyers, HR personnel, managers and business owners. Anyone who needs to communicate and work closely with others will benefit greatly from this course.
What is the course about?
This workshop will suit those already familiar with negotiation and who also find themselves reflecting on similar questions to those listed below. We will not be focusing on some of the popular mantras like “getting to yes” and “win win”. What is of more concern to negotiators who are in the middle of intense negotiations, will be the practical skills enabling them to be more effective negotiators. This is the theme of the course.
The type of questions we will be focusing on include:
What can you do if the other party does not wish to enter into negotiation?
- Why should I negotiate with the “devil”?
- How do I go about negotiating with someone who is in a stronger position?
- How do I go about negotiating with someone who comes from a different culture from myself?
- What are the most effective ways of shifting and persuading the other side?
- In a negotiation is it best to begin with the more simple or difficult issues?
- When things are stuck in negotiation, what are my five best strategies?
- When there are emotional issues, how are these best responded to?
- What is the best way of responding to the other negotiator’s tricks and poor behaviours?
- If I have low trust and a poor relationship with someone, how do I go about negotiating with them?
- What are some different approaches I can introduce into my negotiating?
The course presenters
Having completed more than 5000 mediations, I have observed thousands of negotiators. I am familiar with those negotiating approaches that work well, and those that don’t. for more information on Paul Hutcheson.
My colleague is Ava Gibson who also works as a mediator/dispute resolver, as well as facilitator, leadership coach and trainer. Ava brings an additional and different set of skills from her background in social work and experience in leadership and management roles. For more information on Ava go to
When and where
January and February 2017 (Dates to be confirmed)
Please email to express interest.
Cost: $290 plus gst
For In-house courses contact Paul –